Image courtesy of Mirek Pruchnicki, is unmodified, and licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Hours before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned that “war takes away guarantees for everyone.”
“No one will have any kind of guarantees of security,” he said. “And who will suffer from that the most? People. Who doesn’t want that the most? People. Who could not allow that? People. Are those people among you?”
Take action against Russia’s war on Ukraine and provide support for Ukrainians.
Ask your Senators and Representative to pass the Ukraine Human Rights Policy Act of 2023 [H.R. 2885 | S.1320] and the resolution condemning the Russian Federation’s kidnapping of Ukrainian children [H.Con.Res.29 | S.Res.128].
Email your federal lawmakers about the Ukraine Human Rights Policy Act
Email your members of Congress about the resolution on kidnapping
Financially sponsor a Ukrainian to stay temporarily in the United States for up to two years.
Ukranian Mothers and Children Transport (UMACT) is a collaborative effort of lawyers, professors and law students helping Ukrainian families secure travel visas to the US.
Law students and lawyer can volunteer with UMACT to provide legal assistance to Ukrainian families.
Updated September 2023.