Advocate for Reproductive Rights

Advocate for Reproductive Rights

Protester holding sign that reads, "her life, body, and choice" during the Rally for Reproductive Rights in Chicago

Image courtesy of Charles Edward Miller is unmodified and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Reproductive rights are human rights. The overturning of Roe. V. Wade, which protected access to abortion under the U.S. Constitution, highlights the ongoing threat to women’s reproductive autonomy.

World Without Genocide supports the right to safe abortion, widespread availability of contraception, prenatal and maternity care, assisted fertilization, and sex education.


1. Email your state lawmakers.

Time estimate: 10 minutes

Advocate for abortion access

  1. Look up if abortion is legal in your state.
  2. Find your state senator and representative online here.
  3. Use or modify our email template to send to your state lawmakers.

Advocate for access to birth control

  1. Look up if your state has passed legislation protecting access to birth control.
  2. Find your state senator and representative online here.
  3. Use talking points from Power to Decide to write to your senator and representative.

Learn more

Updated September 2023.