

World Without Genocide educates about past and current conflicts and advocates at the local, state, and national levels for policies and legislation to protect innocent people, prevent genocide, prosecute perpetrators, and remember those whose lives have been affected by genocide. Our intent is nothing less than to create a global commitment that will make mass killing and genocide no longer possible.

Our education programs increase people’s awareness of global conflicts and engage them in human rights advocacy. World Without Genocide sponsors a wide variety of educational and outreach programs each year.

Upstanders Readers’ Theater PlaysWe are pleased to make available readers’ theater plays that feature short narratives about ‘upstanders,’ people who acted heroically during genocides to rescue others, to tell the truth, or to bring perpetrators to justice despite difficult and dangerous circumstances.  

Educational EventsLearn more about specific conflicts. Most events offer continuing education credit for educators, lawyers, nurses, and social workers. Open to the public.


Speakers’ BureauHost a speaker for your class, event, workshop, or panel to present about a variety of genocide and human rights-related issues.

Rent an ExhibitGenocide and Justice:  From Nuremberg to the International Criminal Court, features 20 free-standing, 7’ banners with information about the Holocaust and the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur; highlights of the international tribunals and domestic prosecutions for these genocides; and information about regional human rights courts and commissions. This exhibit is available for rental.