Educational Resources

World Without Genocide recommends the following educational resources for teaching and learning about genocide and human rights.

These materials were not created by World Without Genocide – Please check with the respective authoring organizations for distribution and copyright requirements.


The Anti-Defamation League offers curriculum about genocide as it has repeated itself since the Holocaust. The Promise of Never Again looks at background and reasons for global unresponsiveness to the Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Iraq [link].

Armenian genocide

Rare testimonies of the Armenian Genocide shared by the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education. [link]

The following bibliography highlights a variety of recommended resources, including films and books, to learn more about the Armenian genocide. [download bibliography]

World Without Genocide offers testimony from Benno Black, a kindertransport survivor [link]. Presented at the 2016 Summer Institute for High School and College Students.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust [link]. Reviewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers a teacher resource on Holocaust Education. This resource contains frequently asked questions about the Holocaust, a timeline and glossary, recommended websites, and guidelines for teaching about the Holocaust [link]. Reviewed at the 2012 and 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers a mock trial exercise, called Nuremberg: A Student Mock Trial of Julius Streicher [link] including PowerPoint presentation of evidence used in the mock trial [grades 7-9 | grades 10-12]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers curriculum about Janus Korczak, a doctor, writer, and educator who was forced to lead two hundred Jewish children in the Warsaw Ghetto to the railcar that led them to their deaths in Treblinka. Janusz Korczak & The Children of the Warsaw Ghetto looks at Korczak’s life, children in the Holocaust, and children’s rights [link]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers curriculum about Maus, a two-volume Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel by Art Spiegelman, called Maus: A Memoir of the Holocaust [link]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers a Teacher’s Guide, Light One Candle: A Child’s Diary of the Holocaust, based on the secret diary of a young boy who survived internment in a ghetto, slave labor in a concentration camp, and a death march [link]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers Open Hearts, Closed Doors: The War Orphans Project, curriculum about a group of young Jewish orphan children that immigrated to Canada following World War II as part of the War Orphans Project [link]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre offers many other excellent educational resources, available here.

Roma and Sinti Genocide offer educator materials about the fate of European Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust [link].

The following bibliography highlights a variety of recommended resources, including films and books, to learn more about the Auschwitz concentration camp complex. [Selected Bibliography, Auschwitz PDF]

Auschwitz, a 15-minute documentary produced by Steven Spielberg and narrated by Meryl Streep, explores the history of the Nazi death camp where 1.1 million prisoners perished.

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is dedicated to the preservation and study of the history and culture of East European Jewry worldwide. [link]

Frontline offers curriculum about the genocide in Cambodia, called Coping with Genocide in Cambodia, that integrates Prach Ly’s lyrics to the song “Power, Territory, and Rice” [link]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

American University’s Washington College of Law’s Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law offers curriculum about the Genocide Convention and a brief history of genocides, focusing on the genocide in Rwanda and the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan [link]. These exercises were originally written by former Washington College of Law students Sarah Hymowitz and Amelia Parker. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

PBS FRONTLINE offers accompanying curriculum materials to their film, Ghosts of Rwanda [link to curriculum]. Watch excerpts from the film here. The full-length film is available for purchase.
American University’s Washington College of Law’s Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law offers curriculum about the Genocide Convention and a brief history of genocides, focusing on the genocide in Rwanda and the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan [link]. These exercises were originally written by former Washington College of Law students Sarah Hymowitz and Amelia Parker. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.
The New Jersey Coalition for Darfur offers curriculum to help students understand perspectives of the genocide in Darfur. Genocide in Darfur, Sudan includes history, current issues, and action steps students can take to help the victims [link].

PBS offers curriculum about Truth and Consequences to accompany their I Came to Testify episode of Women, War & Peace [curriculum link | accompanying video link | I Came To Testify link].


We recommend the following resources to learn more about human trafficking:

Worldwide Documentaries offers a Discussion Guide to their film Not My Life, which looks at human trafficking and slavery around the world and in our own communities [Discussion Guideproducer’s website]. Reviewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Free the Slaves offers a five-part module on historical and modern-day slavery [Part 1 link | Part 2 link | Part 3 link | Part 4 link | Part 5 link]. Reviewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Slavery Footprint offers an interactive online tool to explore how our lives affect slavery worldwide [website].

UNICEF offers lesson plans to address child trafficking around the world and what students can do to address trafficking [grades 6-8 | grades 9-12].

Child trafficking is a human rights violation affecting millions. Children are trafficked into labor, exploited in mines, or recruited into militias in conflict zones. This topic, which contains mature content, aims to raise awareness about trafficking and encourage students to take their own steps in addressing trafficking. Watch this videowhich aims to raise awareness about trafficking.

Making Waves, a  film about human trafficking in Duluth, a production by Aboriginal Peaples Television Network (23:54).

Human Trafficking in Wisconsin:

 The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers interactive curriculum on the conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ripples of Genocide: Journey through Eastern Congo, as told through Angelina Jolie and John Prendergast’s journals as they travel through Congo [website | Teacher’s Guide]. Reviewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

For more information on Congo’s conflict minerals and the Conflict-Free Initiative, click here.


With the exception of the Eight Stages of Genocide, these documents were written and compiled by World Without Genocide – please use and distribute freely.

Eight Stages of Genocide by Gregory H. Stanton, President, Genocide Watch [link   download PDF]

Genocide and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide [download PDF]

Armenian Genocide [download PDF | World’s website page]

Bosnian Genocide [download PDF | World’s website page]

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia [download PDF | World’s website page]

Conflict in Burma [download PDF| World’s website page]

Cambodian Genocide [download PDF | World’s website page]

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia [download PDF | World’s website page]

Darfur Genocide [download PDF | World’s website page]

The International Criminal Court and Darfur [download PDF | World’s website page]

Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [download PDF | World’s website page]

The International Criminal Court and CongoWorld’s website page]

The Holocaust [download PDF | World’s website page]

Nuremberg Trials [download PDF | World’s website page]

Rwandan Genocide [download PDF |World’s website page]

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [download PDF | World’s website page]

Conflict in Somalia  | World’s website page]

Conflict in Sri Lanka [download PDF | World’s website page]


These documents were written and compiled by World Without Genocide – please use and distribute freely.

Anti-Bullying Resources, including organizations and online resources, Minnesota resources, books, and films [download PDF].

Anti-Child Soldiering Resources, including books, films, websites, and local, national, regional, and international organizations [download PDF].

Anti-Human Trafficking Resources, including hotlines, Minnesota organizations, other organizations and online resources, books, and films [download PDF]. Reviewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Curriculum Resources for Teaching About Genocide, including curriculum resources, books, and films about genocide, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Darfur [download PDF]. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Terezin Concentration Camp Resources, including websites, books, films, and plays [download PDF].


Watch excerpts from PBS FRONTLINE’s Ghost of Rwanda, which gives an overview of the genocide in Rwanda [link]. The full-length film is available for purchase. Reviewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Based on Alfons Heck’s book Heil Hitler! Confessions of a Hitler Youththis film includes archival footage and an interview with Alfons Heck on propaganda, peer pressure, and Hitler’s recruitment of over eight million German children to the Hitler Youth [YouTube link].

Sophie Scholl: The Final Days is a dramatization of Sophie Scholl’s final days as part of the anti-Nazi propaganda resistance group during World War II in Germany called The White Rose [YouTube link | producer’s website]. This film is also available streaming on Netflix. Viewed at the 2012 Summer Institute for High School Students and the 2012 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Watch PBS’s episode, I Came to Testify, about Bosnian women survivors of rape camps during the genocide in 1994 [link]. This is part of PBS’s series, Women, War & Peace [link]. Viewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

Watch Break Thru Film’s documentary, The Devil Came on Horseback, about former U.S. Marine Captain Brian Steidle’s time in the Darfur region of Sudan as an official military observer [YouTube link | producer’s website].

Watch Benjamin Ferencz’s closing remarks at the ICC’s first case against Congo’s Thomas Lubanga Dyilo in 2011 [YouTube link].

Not My Life looks at human trafficking and slavery around the world and in our own communities [producer’s website]. Viewed at the 2013 Summer Institute for Educators and Leaders.

For a complete list of World’s recommended films, click here.


The American Coalition for the International Criminal Court [website]

Center for Victims of Torture [website]

University of Minnesota Human Rights Center [website]

American Refugee Committee [website]

The Advocates for Human Rights [website]

The Enough Project [website]

Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre [website]

Human Rights Watch [website]

Amnesty International [website]

University of Michigan, Human Rights Advocacy and the History of International Human Rights Standards [website]

The Fate of Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust [website]

Chain Reaction Theatre Company [website]