July 16: Genocide in Tibet – Searching for Justice

This program examines genocidal strategies that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses to subjugate the Tibetan people, including torture, forced organ harvesting, detention, separation of children, and other crimes.
The webinar highlights efforts to address acts of transnational repression against Tibetans who have fled to the US or other places for safe haven and the role of the FBI in prosecuting this felony crime.



  • Children of Holocaust Survivors Association in Minnesota
  • Citizens for Global Solutions – MN
  • Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter
  • Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
  • Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers
  • Mitchell Hamline School of Law
  • Minnesota Council of Churches
  • Minnesota Nurses Association
  • Mount Zion Temple
  • Shir Tikvah Congregation
  • The United Nations Association of Minnesota

Register by Tuesday, July 16, 5:00 pm CT


    • $10 general public; $5 seniors and students (over age 13, please).
    • $25 for 1 CLE credit for Minnesota lawyers.
    • ‘Clock hours’ for teachers, social workers, and nurses.
    • Mitchell Hamline students free – Diversity credits are available.
    • Qualifies as a University of St. Thomas Law Mentor Externship experience.

Registration cost

MH students can register here.

This program addresses the following UN SDGs: