Our Work and the SDGs
In 2015, United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aims for peace and prosperity across the globe. At the core of this Agenda are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
At World Without Genocide, we work to advance the following SDGs:

We do this through education and advocacy on the following issues:

- Ban child marriage.
- Support LGBTQ rights.
- Support gender equality: Title IX, ERA-MN, ERA, CEDAW.
- Support reproductive rights.

- Prevent international human rights crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression.
- Eliminate statelessness.
- Protect against transnational repression.
- Reduce xenophobia, racism, and antisemitism.
- Eliminate conflict minerals, sex trafficking, and the use of child soldiers.
- Protect and extend voting rights.

- Mitigate the climate crisis.
- Divest from fossil fuels.
- Criminalize ecocide.

World Without Genocide engagement:
- UN Special Consultative Status, ECOSOC.
- UN Association, Department of Global Communications.
- Support for the International Criminal Court.

Partnerships with:
- Academic institutions
- Arts and media organizations
- Faith communities
- Human rights organizations
- Law associations and organizations
- Legislative and policy-making entities
- NGOs
- Professional associations