Members’ flags outside of UN Headquarters in New York. Image courtesy of I, Aotearoa is cropped and licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of six principal organs of the United Nations and addresses economic, social, cultural, educational, and health issues including international development, women’s rights, and justice. The UN has granted Special Consultative Status since its beginning in 1946, and today, NGOs around the world have the honor of representing civil society at the UN.
Special Consultative Status gives organizations access to ECOSOC and to its many subsidiary bodies, to the human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, to ad hoc processes on small arms, and to attendance at special events organized by the President of the General Assembly. Organizations with Special Consultative Status also can be accredited to attend UN global conferences and host events at UN headquarters in New York.
World Without Genocide received this status in 2022. With this privilege, we have attended international meetings about the climate crisis, the Commission on the Status of Women, and other global convenings. We have offered sessions during these meetings, and these special sessions are attended by people from around the world.
Other organizations with this status include Amnesty International; the League of Women Voters; Reporters Without Borders; the International Bar Association; and the Special Olympics.
The Department of Global Communications supports the work of the UN. World Without Genocide is formally associated with the UN Department of Global Communications, meaning World conveys UN goals and activities to global audiences.